Power Electronic system, Power Electronics versus Linear Electronics, Power semiconductor devices: Power diodes, Power transistors, Thyristors, GTO, MOSFET, IGBT, SIT with applications. Power Electronic Converters: Fixed output voltage and phase controlled AC/DC converters: single phase, three phase; Semi / Full. Dual converters: Angle, PWM control. DC/DC converters: Chopper regulators: Step-up, Step-down; Chopper classification; Switch mode regulators: Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost and C’uk regulators; Thyristor chopper circuits. Cyclo-converters: (Frequency converters): Single phase / Three phase and AC voltage converters: PWM, Resonant pulse inverters, Push-Pull inverters, Transformer less inverters, MPPT, Grid interactive inverters, PV inverters. Industrial Electronics: Magnetic amplifier, Control of temperature and other non-electrical quantities, Elements of microprocessor based control system for industries. Motor Drives: DC and AC motor drives, Microprocessor based motor drive. Industrial Heating: Resistive Heating; High frequency heating: Induction, Dielectric heating and its application. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.