The course presents basic information on visual arts through exposure to art history, art criticism, aesthetics and some art making. Through class instruction, readings & discussions, hands-on projects, gallery/museum trips and meeting artists, the goal of the course is to enable the students to appreciate contemporary art and to grasp some of its ever-shifting and elusive nature, its trends and its purpose.
Course Catalogue
The course is designed to study the interaction of politics and economics among the world’s nations. The most important of these interactions concerns foreign trade. Students of this course learn about the politics of international financial relations, regional political and economic cooperation, international environmental management, international investment patterns of multinational corporations (MNCs), foreign aid, and relations between rich and poor regions of the world. They examine how government policies affect economic trends and why nations adopt specific economic policies. They also seek to understand the foundations of global or regional economic cooperation in a world of growing, independent national governments.
The course introduces the historical development of the film and discusses major filmmakers and their films, principal fiction and nonfiction genres, and film industries throughout the world.
The course is designed to provide the students with a comprehensive idea of Bangladesh Archaeology. Student It will introduce various methodologies to appreciate archaeological heritage of Bangladesh based on an innovative and integrated perspective derived both from the human and the natural sciences. It will also show how socio-political and economic history of Bangladesh can be reconstructed from the existing material evidences.
This syllabus gives idea on biodiversity through conceptualization and explanation of terminology related to biodiversity and conservation. The syllabus places emphasis on the application of biodiversity and impact of recent developments on the needs of a contemporary society. The course involves the students in the identification of problems regarding desertification, analyzing the situations and for next steps planning. It helps the students for creating knowledge base and exploring new ideas insight it. After completion of the course, students will generate /explore new approaches for creation of biodiversity and nature conservation.
This course gives idea on organic farming through conceptualization and explanation of terminology related to sustainable/organic agriculture. The course involves the students in the identification of problems regarding conventional farming, chemical hazards, analyzing the situations and for next steps planning. It helps the students for creating knowledge base and exploring knowledge on ecological agriculture. After completion of the course, students will generate /explore alternatives for chemical farming.
This course will examine the roots of the scientific knowledge in Ancient Greece up to the developments of modern science. The emphasis will be how the scientific thought was developed over time. Some history of mathematics will also be examined, particularly as it has been applied to solve scientific problems. After successfully completing this course a student will know about all great scientists and their contribution in different areas of science and they will be able to define philosophy, religion and science and differentiate between these notions.
The course is designed to study various academic and applied disciplines involving the scientific study of mental processes and behavior, perception, cognition, emotion, personality and interpersonal relationships. This includes many sub-fields of study application concerned with areas such as human developments, sports, health, industry, law and spirituality. Diverse schools of thought will be also discussed under this course.
What exactly is “science”? How do scientific ideas become knowledge? How does our society, government, and culture understand and respond to science and medicine? The interdisciplinary field of science studies is introduced through exploration of topics that include gender and science, cultural studies of medicine, and the “science wars.”
This course will investigate the puzzling relationship between mind and matter. Most people can see the plausibility of two different institutions: (i) our minds and our bodies are different (our minds just don’t seem physical as our bodies do, even to the extent that the laws of physics do not apply); (ii) brains are the seats of minds, which makes minds very much material. To accept one option and take it that our minds are material means we have to explain how the world of matter can generate mental phenomena; and this is no easy task. The other option is also problematic: if we take mind and matter to be entirely separate substances, the how and why of their interaction is just mysterious. Indeed, the explanational gap is very similar in either case.